No Signal
No Signal.. Weakness Dispatch:
Between the different worlds there are reciprocal relations
between the sender and the receiver. There are those who are in need to receive
such a reference, and will be in need of more to send through a signal to kind
relations reciprocal and clear like (the control–illusion) between each of
those relationships; always there is No Signal.
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
There are nations that ended and disappeared, and there are
those who still try to send signals and many nations may send it through
different devices, but still unclear signals confusing hardware and unclear
vision occurs.
“Gamal Abdel Nasser announces the strategic missile program,
which is the long arm of Egyptian army’s and Egypt is considered one of the
first countries in the region who made these kinds of weapons, which have
sought the manufacture and development of ballistic missiles in the sixties of
the last century”.
NO SIGNAL. Abdel Nasser throws a speech… The beginnings of
television transmitter devices in 1965 cut transmission. No Signal.
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
“Saad El Shazly said in his memoirs: "I've been told a
lot about Egypt's possession of missiles, dubbed the" El-Kaher" and a
range up to about 200 km or more, and it seems that the Egyptian authorities
were happy to encourage these, and it was the rocket, "Zafer" is
always an element in all Egyptian military parades before the 1967 war, and
after the defeat of June 1967 took the Egyptians whispering ‘Where are “Kaher”
and “Zafer”?”
There was no answer on these questions, how were millions of
pounds spent on this fake project, and how it stopped, and how the media
contributed to the falsification of facts and deceived to make the Egyptians
believe this Story? No Signal.
Looking for the past, present and the future-
No Signal.
Gamal Elkheshen
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
Digital Print 60x60cm,2016
Explanation of work:
The artwork is it contains with two parts
(Digital -Print) on
wooden boxes represent everyone in army’s uniform (Solider-child-Woman).
Movie production For
Egyptian Film produced in 1964 show the Egyptian army’s rocket (El-kaher –
Zafer) with “Abdel Nasser” Speech.
The Video Link:
- Cairotronica exhibition :
Cairotronica will function as an incubator for exchanging ideas,concepts,products and services, will bring people together from different industries and fields, encouraging them to create solutions together and will create a bridge between different audiences and professionals to connect through art.
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